Feedback Policy

This policy reflects Dunn Vision Telecom’s commitment to address complaints in a prompt, fair, and effective manner. Our objective is to resolve the issues of dissatisfaction as close to the point of contact as can be reasonably managed. Our intention is to continuously improve our services and to achieve high standards in part through diligent consideration of all complaints. We also continually seek feedback from our customers on our website.

Our Complaint Policy and Procedure are available on the Customer Policies page of our website.


  1. Dunn Vision Telecom will respond to any dissatisfaction with its services fairly and promptly.
  • An initial response is provided within 10 working days.
  • A further more detailed response is made if appropriate.
  • The complainant can appeal to the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS) if dissatisfied with the outcome by visiting their website at or calling toll-free at 1 888 221-1687.
  • Information on how to move the complaint to the next level is provided if the complainant is not satisfied with Dunn Vision’s initial response.
  1. While confidentiality is respected whenever possible, it is not typically possible to resolve complaints without disclosing details of a complaint to relevant parties in order to allow Dunn Vision Telecom a fair opportunity to resolve the issue. It is hoped that most complaints can be addressed informally. Where complaints are very serious or cannot been resolved informally, recourse to the formal process is made.
  2. Customers are protected from retaliation in accordance with this policy as long as the complaint is made in good faith and is not knowingly false or materially inaccurate. If retaliation occurs, further investigation is warranted.
  3. All Dunn Vision Telecom staff have a responsibility for receiving complaints, treating them seriously, and dealing with them promptly and courteously in accordance with the procedure set out in Appendix A. Advice and information regarding the complaint process for customers can be obtained by emailing
  4. Department managers, associates, and/or senior management have the responsibility to resolve a complaint, and to lead or to contribute to an investigation into a complaint when this is considered appropriate.
  5. A customer who makes a complaint found to be vexatious, mischievous, or malicious, following the investigation under the Complaints Procedure, is deemed to be in breach of the Terms of Service policy. The onus is on the customer to present sufficient evidence to warrant investigation under the procedure.
  6. Complaints made anonymously are considered if there is enough information provided in the complaint submission to allow Dunn Vision Telecom to make further meaningful inquiries. If, however, an anonymous complainant does not provide sufficient information, Dunn Vision Telecom has the right not to investigate the complaint. Complaints from third parties are only accepted if the customer confirms in writing that the third party is acting on his/her behalf and if the customer wishes the complaint to be investigated.

Step 1 – Informal Process (Front-line)

    • Concerns are raised in the first instance with the person or area concerned as soon as possible and no later than five working days after the incident. This timeline is reconsidered in extenuating circumstances only. Complainants are normally directed to the person responsible for the service or department.
    • A complaint about a member of staff is referred to the appropriate manager of the staff member’s department or a designate.
    • Verbal complaints made over the phone to staff are referred to the manager of the department of the area of complaint or to an appropriate representative.
    • At this informal stage, complaints may be made by phone or by email. The complainant is kept informed of progress at all stages with a written or verbal response provided within ten working days. If the issue is not resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction, the complaint moves to step 2 within five days of receiving notification of the decision.

Step 2 – Formal Process for A complainant who has been through Step 1

    • Our Complaints Resolution Office documents and reviews the complaint and responds to the complainant within five days and identifies the individual who will be addressing the concern. The Complaints Resolution Office forwards the complaint to the appropriate senior manager for follow-up and response.
    • The senior manager investigates the complaint and responds to the complainant within ten working days. The manager may decide to:
      • Propose an amicable settlement.
      • Dismiss the complaint as unfounded with reasons.
      • Uphold or partially uphold the complaint, offer an apology, and take appropriate steps to address the issue and avoid a similar problem in the future.
    • All complaints are to be addressed as quickly as possible. All formal complaints (Step 2) are acknowledged in writing, including the detailed response, within 15 working days. All formal complaints receive a formal written response outlining the outcome and the right of appeal where appropriate. The Complaints Resolution Office is copied on all decisions.
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